This leaves me with just the middle section.

I carefully measured the width of the top of the case, then the width of the lettering on the skin, to make sure it was centered exactly, then rolled it on from front to back.

This is where you may find the hair dryer handy - moulding the skin to the exact curves of your case. The heat allows the plastic more flexibility.

You will find that, at the back, you will have a little bit of overlap, as here. You can just cut a slit through and fold one part on top of the other, or trim it completely.

And with that done, re-assemble the case! Quite funky huh?
So what did we think of the PolyGFX case skin? Well, its ace. It is easy to apply and made of decent quality plastic, and the included instructions are fantastic. There are a great range of designs available (although, being biased, we like our custom bit-tech one the best!) and, as with the RatPad skins, make a great idea for regular LAN-going gaming clans.
I really liked the quality of the finish of the skin. It is definitely more durable than your average paint job, and will take a few knocksand scuffs without any consequence. The vinyl texture is slick, and really gives an attractive finish to your case. Sure, airbrushing may look classier, but this is a very practical way to add a design and some colour to your case. The skins are a piece of cake to apply, as I hope I've shown above - with a little time, care and preparation, you will achieve a perfect finish. This has to be a plus point for those of us without the modding skills of G-gnome or Macroman!!
This leaves us with the question of price. At $50, they might look a little expensive. However, for us Brits, the ace exchange rate means that this will arrive on your doorstep for around £30 - a pretty decent price for something that's obviously been printed pretty well and custom cut to the size of your case. If you're looking for something a little out of the ordinary mod-wise, you'd do well to pick up one of these!
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